Saturday 22 December 2012

Ho ho ho-peful

Artoo and I began our little adventure just over a year ago. It has been as steep a learning curve as anyone ever suggested it might be. At times it has felt like I was newly diagnosed all over again, and despite 20ish years of experience with injections, there were weeks when that knowledge seemed to count for almost nothing.

A year ago I noted that in hindsight, perhaps beginning to completely change insulin delivery method immediately before one of the most challenging and notoriously chaotic times if the year foodwise might seem a little foolhardy. But in the current challenging financial climate it would be a brave man who would turn down the offer of NHS funding for an insulin pump without a very good reason.

Last Christmas was, if I'm honest, a bit of a mess BG-wise. Much as I stand by the general assertion among people living with diabetes that there are two days (Christmas and birthdays) on which and any carbs eaten don't count, the perfectionist in me delights in giving myself a kicking whenever dodgy results appear. Even when (and perhaps especially if) I'm sort of expecting them. I didn't get myself into any serious bother last December, but it was certainly not my finest hour. Since the Summer, and especially since changing the sets I use to Silhouettes (with occasional Quickset), Artoo seems to have really got into his stride. I had a pleasant surprise with an A1c improvement at my annual review, and if anything averages and SD have been slightly better since (with the occasional lapse obviously!).

I'm not naive enough to expect a Christmas entirely without an errant reading (or 10), but my trust in Artoo's judgement and general ability to accurately correct my mistakes has never been higher. As long as I can weather the basal-tweaking turbulence when the lack of gym visits kicks-in I am hopeful that I might be able to enjoy a few treats here and there over the festive period (along with the inevitable selection of wildly non-standard meals) and still keep a relatively decent hold of things. I can but hope.

Thanks to everyone who has visited and commented on our blog this year. It has been an eventful and exciting one in many ways and it has been lovely to share it with you all.

Have a brilliant Christmas and here's to unexpectedly good results this festive season and rock-steady BGs for 2013 all round.

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