Thursday 6 June 2013

Has the light gone out on C8 Medisensors optical CGM?

Someone left a comment earlier today asking if I knew any more information about the C8 Medisensors non-invasive CGM, which was given CE mark approval late last year. Some of you may remember me getting quite excited about it after having seen the device in action.

At that stage, the general expectation seemed to be a European launch in the Spring of this year. In January I got wind that the launch had been put back slightly to allow for 'further enhancements' to be made prior to the launch in mid-2013.

I've had a little look around the internet, but all I can find are reports/stories from late last year. Trying to look up the C8 folks I met via LinkedIn suggests that they stopped working for the company in January this year. It seems that at about the same time John Kaiser took over reins at the company - so what happened then?

With an increasing sense of doom, I realised that their website seems to have gone offline in the past few months too.

To be honest, I'm gutted.

Just wondering if anyone knows what the story is? I really believe that their non-invasive CGM, if it lived up to the promise shown, genuinely had the ability to completely change the landscape of diabetes care across Europe, and CGM pricing/availability in particular. £2000 for 4 years, rather than £3000-£4000 every year would put self-funded CGM within the grasp of many more people in the UK. A currently frustrated and untapped market.

I can't have been the only one waiting for lauch with one hand reaching for my wallet.

Anyone from C8 Medisensors out there?

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