Friday 10 January 2014

The Big EDUAD Timesulin Giveaway!

I know... I know... You wait weeks for a post then three come along all at once!

Those of you with memories as bad as mine will doubtless have forgotten that I wrote some time ago about Timesulin, an ingenious replacement insulin pen cap. While not a fully equipped dose memory device the Timesulin is brilliant in that it does solve the main challenge of "Did I take my insulin just now or not?".

There are different versions to fit the pens for most popular UK insulins and the device works by displaying how long it has been since the last dose was taken. A quick glance will tell you whether it was 5 minutes or 4 hours and Hey Presto! No more missed-dose vs double-dose conundrums.

Cleverly the device does not need to you interact with it in order to register the injection, it 'knows' when you take the lid off the pen. And even more clever, it allows you to take a quick peek at how much insulin is still in the cartridge without registering that as a dose. Which is a great touch and kinda lets you know that at least some of the people who developed it have T1 themselves.

The lovely folks at Timesulin have offered us three, yes THREE! Timesulin caps to you, dear readers. If you would like a chance of winning one, please just send your name by the end of January to mike[at] or leave a comment below. I'll put all the names in a hat and draw the three lucky winners on 1st February 2014, then Timesulin will send you whichever cap suits your insulin free of charge.

Good eh!

So drop me an email and good luck :)

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