Saturday 5 December 2015

Diabetes Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Nerve Damage

One of the consequences or complications of uncontrolled diabetes or high blood glucose or sugar level is a condition known as diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage.

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that must be treated promptly to prevent total damage of
the nerves. Total damage of the nerves will definitely have a negative effects on other vital organs of the body. Since blood and other important nutrients are transported through the nerves, getting it damage will not be funny.


In individuals with diabetes, the
body's nerves can be harmed or damaged by diminished blood stream and a high glucose level. This condition is more probable when the glucose level is not well controlled.

A large percentage of individuals with diabetes create nerve damage because at the initial stage it is often hard for them to control their blood sugar.

Symptoms of nerve damage in diabetes do not usually surface until many years after diabetes
has been developed. Though, some people that have developed the disease long before they realized or diagnosed usually have nerve damage earlier than people who are diagnosed not long before or immediately after they developed diabetes.


The kind of symptoms you will have as a result of nerve damage depend on the type of nerves that were damaged.

Nerves in the feet and legs are
frequently influenced because the negative effects of consistent uncontrolled blood sugar as relate to nerve damage typically begin in the toes and feet.

1. Shivering or blazing in the toes and fleets are symptoms of nerve damage.

2. Profound throbbing pain.

3. After some time, the pains of nerve harm can likewise extended to the fingers and hands.

4.  As the nerve deteriorates, you will likely lose feeling in your feet and legs.

5. Your skin will likewise get to be numb.

6. You might not feel any pain when you venture or step on something sharp

7. Another symptom of diabetes neuropathy is that you might not realize that you have a rankle or little cut

8. Another symptoms of nerve damage as a result of diabetes is that you might not feel any pain when your feet or hands touch something that is excessively hot or frosty

9. You might find it difficult to digest food when the nerves  that control assimilation are damaged. It is advisable to get your nerve damage controlled and treated before it gets to this stage because how will your drug s and medications will be processed if you are having problem processing or digesting what you eat or consume.  Damage to nerves that
control assimilation quite often
happens in individuals with serious nerve damage in their feet and legs.

Feeling full subsequent to eating just a little measure of food, indigestion and bloating , queasiness, obstruction, gulping issues, hurling undigested food
a couple of hours after a feast are symptoms that nerves that control digestion are getting damaged.

9. Diabetes neuropathy or nerve damage may also damage nerves in your heart and veins.
Feeling tipsy when you stand up (orthostatic hypotension), having a quick heart rate and having some signs that comes before heart disease and attack are symptoms that the nerve controlling your heart are getting damaged.

Also read:

1. Since nerves control sexual activities, those with diabetes neuropathy or nerve damage may find it difficult to get erection as the nerve controlling erection will be weak or damaged.

2. Vaginal dryness in woman

3. Another side effect of nerve damage is not having the capacity to tell when your glucose gets too low

4. Bladder issues, which
cause pee spillage or not
having the capacity to exhaust the bladder.

5. Another consequences of nerve damage is sweating excessively, even at the point when the temperature is cool.

6. One of the early side effects of diabetes neuropathy is feet that are exceptionally damp with sweat and the advanced stage side effect is exceptionally dryness of the feet.

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The best way to treat diabetes neuropathy or nerve damage as a consequence of diabetes is to start controlling your blood glucose level immediately you discovered that you are diabetic. Also, immediate action or treatment should commence immediately you notice one or more of the aforementioned symptoms of diabetes.

It is advisable to take after your doctors recommendation on the most proficient method to moderate diabetic nerve damage.

As said above, the best method is to control your glucose level and this can be achieved by:

1. Eating recommended food for diabetes. Eating diabetes diets may go a long way in your diabetes management and determine how your diabetes story will be writing and end. Many people have properly controlled their blood sugar level by following the recommendations of expert concerning the food to be eaten by diabetic. Do not say you cannot live without eating so and so food, that they want to kill you before you die, remember that the food will live without you and you may die before you die if you do not eat a proper or recommended diets for diabetes. Unripe plantain and other foods that are highly rich in fiber but low in calories are good for diabetics.

2. Getting involved in physical  activity from time to time will help to averse the effect of nerve damage.

3. You should check your glucose level frequently. This will help you to keep necessary actions and to know whether what you are doing is wrong or right.

4. Try keeping a record of your
numbers with the goal that you know the sorts of diets and activities that influence your glucose level

5. Make sure you take your medication or insulin properly as recommended by your medical experts.

Neuropathy diabetes or nerve damage is damage to the body nerves especially in the toes and fleets as a result of long term uncontrolled blood glucose level.

Symptoms include tingling or sharp pains in the affected part of the body, excessive coldness or dryness of the affected part and inability to feel pain in the affected body parts.

The best way to treat nerve damage is to control your glucose level by following your doctor advice on the kind of diet you will be eating and other lifestyle changes. Take your diabetes drug regularly. Drugs are also available to treat diabetes neuropathy.

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