Thursday 12 March 2009

What should be the morning blood sugar number for Type 2 diabetics?

I have a very specific set of blood sugar goals. These may not make sense for anyone else. As we all know, this is such a "unique to oneself" disease, that my glucose goals may have no relevance for someone else.

Let's begin with the morning fasting number. Frankly, for me, happiness is seeing a 75-85 on my monitor's diplay first thing in the morning. That really makes my day. I can live with below 90. But any number above 90 for me is a bit of a red flag.

It means one of two things. Or both. One that I ate too much the day before (and night too - dinner and late night snack). Two that the carbohydrate amount in my prior meals were too high.

There is a third possibility too but I have not been able to establish strong correlation yet. And that is, that I did not get my requisite amount of exercise. Be that the walking, treadmill or weights. My mitochondria just did not get sufficiently "awakened".

Don't know about the third factor but the first two are pretty straightforward. They happen to me all the time. Well, not totally all the time. But whenever I have a 95-110 reading I can trace it to something I ate. I have not had a reading above 110 in a very long time.

Calorie restricted meals are critical for me. Does not mean that I starve myself. It means that if I overeat it shows up on my glucose monitor next morning.

If I have more than my usual amount of carbohydrates, the strict sugar control gets somewhat compromised come daylight.

I can deal with it. I don't get frustrated or dejected. I am just glad that my body responds to some of the steps I take. Literally.

And that is a good feeling.

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