Tuesday 17 March 2009

What to do when one strays from the strict plan for controlling blood sugars.

When controlling blood sugar with diet and exercise, willpower plays a strong part. And the willpower has to be applied not just on one day or for a specific period of time. It has to become permanent. One is not on a "diet" plan when trying to manage Type 2 diabetes without medication. One is on a "lifelong" course.

For me, use of willpower to do my daily exercise is much more manageable than applying willpower to resist eating desserts or food items that are not allowed.

I can do my workouts anywhere anytime. Whether I am traveling on business or enjoying a vacation in a tropical paradise, I will find time and create the opportunity to get in some walking time, tread milling and lifting weights. It does not appear like it is a chore to me. So I have that base covered.

Ever since I have had my glucose readings and my A1C in the normal range I have felt good. But over time, I have become a little more relaxed in my restrictions related to sweet dishes and how much of a particular dessert I consume at one time.

This can be dangerous. Fortunately, I have been through these types of situations enough times that now I have a pretty set way of dealing with the deviation. In other words, i have a system for getting back to good control when I have fallen off the wagon.

Luckily, this happens generally for no more than 1 or 2 meals. And that also around the holiday time. Here's my process for course correction.

First, after every meal in which I know I have eaten more carbs or higher glycemic index food, I always check my blood sugar multiple times until the "clearing" takes place. If the peak is high, like 147 for example, I get concerned. So first step is to get a wee bit scared. And the fear comes from looking at a high reading. And that happens from an established habit of checking blood sugar frequently. I am quite data-driven so that also helps.

Second step is a follow-on from the first one. Fear from the high reading puts me in a fighting mood. Combat status to quell the rising glucose blood sugar number and get back to normal as quickly as possible. I take action the next day right from breakfast. I watch what I eat and do my exercise attentively. And I test. Blood sugar returns to my usual levels. Leads to relief and satisfaction. Good feelings to have.

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